Due: September 24, 2007
His self and the sun were one
And his poems, although makings of h is self
Were no less makings of the Sun
-Wallace Stevens, ?The Planet on the Table?
Objective: The Objective of this exercise is to observe your relationship to your environment, light and time by using the digital camera. Analyze and describe your photographs using vocabulary of 2D Design.
Methods: Introduction to camera functions and Imagery Development.
a. Choose High resolution on your camera, SHQ=high res, 3072x2304
a. Use A/S setting on main dial.
b. Choose WB (white balance setting), set to ?kind of light?
c. Set ISO, sensitivity of camera to light
d. Set Drive, for single pictures
e. Set Metering, for average metering, reads all parts of the frame
-Make 3 digital photographs of the SAME space/landscape/room, which was the subject of your previous drawings.
-These 3 photos will have the SAME aperture.
-Photograph this space 3 different times of the day: early morning, mid-day, sunset or evening
-Make one photograph with a small aperture f 16
-Make one photograph with a large aperture f 5.6
Total: 5 photographs **Do Not use Flash Setting**
Do this exercise in FOUR different places.
Total: 20 photographs (Put on storage device)
2. Describe:
-The quality of light, objects, space etc. during these different times of the day.
- Describe what is happening in the space during each of these times.
-If a person were blind how would you describe the most interesting time of day to them?
-What is the difference now approaching this space with a camera instead of drawing?
Total: One written response Blog Post: Post Response
Materials: -Digital Camera -Digital Storage Device -Composition Notebook
3. Analysis:
-Choose 5 of your photographs.
-Describe image using:
Seven Principles of 2D Design: Composition, Emphasis, Balance, Movement, Scale, Proportion, Unity/Variety
(Based on Mon. Night?s lecture)
-Be specific as to WHY you are describing the image in the way that you do.
-Write Responses in your notebook.
- Bring notebook to class.
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