The objective of this exercise is to explore and expand Color in the original artwork from the Gardner Museum. You will deconstruct color in the image and create a completely new image inspired by the color in the original work.
Part A: Research
1. Scan High Resolution (300dpi) Gardner Museum Image from a book.
Name of Book:
Title of Artwork:
2. Create a grid of swatches sampled from the work you have chosen.
For example: you could have a grid of 12, 9 colors or 6 but not less than 6.
3. Organize these swatches in a way that represents dominance or larger areas of color in the composition.
4. Print Out Image (8x10”) and Post on Blog.
Part B:
1. Locate surfaces and colors in the natural environment that correspond to your color sample. These surfaces can be created with paint, pencils, pastels or pens. Surfaces can also be found, ie walls, book pages, plants etc.
2. Create a grid of these color samples.
If you have a grid of 6 in Part A, make a grid of 6 in this exercise.
3. Organize these swatches in a way that represents dominance or larger areas of color in the composition.
4. Bring to class.
Part C:
These exercises have helped you decide how color is working in your original image and this will inform how you approach creating a completely new image with color as the subject.
1. Create a new image outer dimensions at least 11x17.
2. Image can be created traditionally, on a digital canvas or a combination.
Color-The visual response to different wavelengths of sunlight identified as red, green , blue etc…
Pigment-Substance or matter used as coloring, many are derived from minerals and plants
Hue or Chromatic Hues- Name of the color
Value- Lightness or darkness of a color
Intensity- Colors purity or grayness
Temperature- Its warmness or coolness
Warm Colors- Red, Yellow, Orange on the color wheel. Warm colors tend to advance visually.
Cool Colors-Blue, Violet, Blue or Green. Cool colors tend to recede spatially.
Monochromatic- Anything having a single hue
Neutral or Achromatic Hues-Color resulting after two compliments have been mixed that neither color is evident.
Primary Color-preliminary hues that cannot be broken down or reduced into other colors.
Secondary Color-Color produced by a mixture of two primary colors.
Subtractive Color- Sensation of color that is produced when wavelengths of light are reflected back to the viewer. Color in Painting
Subtractive Primaries: RED, YELLOW, BLUE
Subtractive Secondary: ORANGE, GREEN, VIOLET
Additive Color-Colors whose hue is established by combining monochromatic light sources
Additive Primaries: RED, GREEN, BLUE
Additive Secondary: CYAN, YELLOW, MAGENTA